Saturday 14 July 2012

The "First Post" Jitters

Welcome to or .ca or .th or whatever. I guess it is all depending on where it is you are since blogger has this new ending thinger dependent of where and what country your sitting in rather than the old .com adage we all have universally come to understand. But never mind and greetings from this first blog post ever. For a long time now I’ve avidly read, watched and enjoyed blogs and vlogs of all kinds and have sincerely wanted to join in the action but continually found reasons to put it off.  One of my biggest reasons was that I just didn’t know where to start. Not that I didn’t know how to sign up on some blogging site or anything, I just put too much importance on the little things in getting started. The first thing you have to have some sense of is what you want your blog to essentially be about. This was difficult for me because I hate the idea of choosing some interest or topic and then being completely cornered into one area. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s completely great to have a specialty or field that a person could be an expert in. Be it in fashion, writing, automotives etc. There are tons of blogs out there completely dedicated to giving expertise and information in a multitude of topics. Heck, there are even hundreds of blogs out there giving advice simply on blogging and starting out. I know, I googled them up a bunch of times trying to figure out where to start and how to begin my own blog. I really could not pin point myself into writing about any one topic and stressed about this for a long time. It wasn’t until I considered more about the bloggers and vloggers that I myself read/watch frequently that I finally figured out that a blog doesn’t have to be about anything other than what you, the creator, wants it to be. Most of the blogs I read have more to do with lifestyle, fashion, do-it-yourself, etc. than anything else. Others have more to do with the persons own experiences of the world. I would like my blog to be a laid-back sort of easy-going read. I try not to take myself too seriously ;).
            Another problem I had was figuring out what the heck I was going to call this blog. There is SO much emphasis put out there on picking a PERFECT blog title. After all, it is usually the web address and gives the first impression of your blog. Some sites say it should be so many syllables and catchy in such and such a way so that it can be easily remembered. If it’s easily remembered, and people like the content you provide, they will remember you next time and come back. I think the whole syllables thing is pretty much garbage. I continue to subscribe to several bloggers and vloggers with usernames or blog addresses running anywhere from one to seven syllables. Yes a few that I would consider the best titles are catchy phrases smashed together but one of my favorites is just a shortened version of the bloggers name and her youtube account has the same. I can barely remember how to spell or pronounce it half the time but I favorite and subscribed in several places to make sure I can find my way back. I think its content that is the real driving force.  Critically speaking, blogging seems to get a lot of criticism on the issue of quality of content. For me, as I said, I want my blog to be an easy going space. Which is why I am choosing to write in this like I’m “speaking” sort of style, I hope it gives the effect that I’m having a conversation with you, and is an easy read J. When I think of what I’m looking for in blogs and vlogs, it’s more for entertainment and connection rather than quality of content. I don’t care if my vlogger uses some super expensive HD camera or whatever; I just want to know what they have to say. Same as I don’t mind if things are spelled perfectly in a blog or whether what the blogger is talking about is intelligent or trivial. I just want to be entertained.  
            Honestly though, I had a very hard time getting started with this blog simply because I was worried about this first post. I just kept putting it off! For months and months I would start, and stop myself. Finally I told myself “JUST DO IT MALLY!” and here it is. How do I feel about it? Mildly unsatisfied but its good enough for a change, after so long I’ll try not to be so hard on myself and just look forward to enjoying the experience for good or bad or whatever comes with it.  I’ll try not to think too much about it; after all, it’s just the beginning.

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