Monday 20 August 2012

Rainy Sunday Afternoon date

After working inside all week I was dissapointed to see the rain because I had wanted to go to the beach. Every time I have a day off it rains. ヽ(  ̄д ̄;)ノ Of course it had been raining and cloudy almost all weekend so we hadn't got out much. So instead, Patri and I went for a little adventure to the next town over to get out of the house for a bit. I decided to wear just a new cute summer dress and knit cardigan with white sandals.
The first thing we did when we got to town was check out a local comics, gaming and movie rentals shop. We were hoping to find some new manga to read or something but the japanese comics collection was small and I'm not really into any american comics too much. There was lots of books I hadn't heard of before with excellent prices but alas we left empty handed. Next we went to have chinese buffet.

Chicken balls with cherry sauce, beef and broccoli, noodles, Chicken fried rice, Garlic spare ribs, Eggrolls with plum sauce, Shrimp battered and fried, and Chicken wings in Garlic sauce.

We didn't realize that the restaurant had just opened at 4pm and they were just bringing out the buffet dishes, but this worked out for the best because everything was so new hot and fresh. I recommend doing this if your going for buffet, anywhere. I've had buffet when it was dried out from the heat trays and old as heck and it is just so dissapointing. This was my first time dining at this restaurant though and it was very good. I'm not embarassed to say I had a serving of everything with a cup of oolong tea.

Tea is always perfect on a rainy day.

Also, I had wonton soup.

And finished oolong tea with fortune cookies."It is quality rather than quantity that matters. Do a good job." I'll try to keep this in mind.
Our fortunes shown.
Finally we went to check out the swans downtown. There were ducks sleeping all across the lawn. And the swans were swimming in the pond.


They swam over to us really close. I think they were hoping that we were going to have a treat for them.
So was this little ducky (below image). The swans chased her out of the pond and after she followed us all the way back to our car. I was sad to leave her 。・゚゚・(>д<)・゚゚・。 way too cute. Anything that follows me I will automatically fall in love and want to take it home. Honestly though, who has a pet duck in their apt. Maybe Joey and Chandler but I've never heard of anyone else lol (...that was a Friends reference in case you didn't quite catch it).
take me home with you and feed me good things?
Anyway, it was starting to rain again so after I shoo'ed her away from the road we were off for home again to get ready for another work week. So until next time, have a good week!

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