Tuesday 20 August 2013

Japan Pop Festival in Bkk

Hi all, just wanted to let you know I'm still alive and all. I've been teaching full time in an English program here in Bangkok, 25 periods per week. So I've been quite busy to update the blog. I've got a huge backlog of posts to catch up on...  _φ( °-°)/

Nearby, there was a small shopping center hosting a week long Japanese pop event. So Patri and I decided to check it out a couple of nights when there was performances and have a look around.

There was to be Japanese food, Anime and Manga, Jpop/kpop dance groups and bands performing and lots of different market stalls selling goods and fashion items.

A boy dance group thanks the crowd after their performance.
There was lots of Japanese food to try! Pat bought some gyoza (Japanese dumplings) and some Takoyaki! I never tried takoyaki before. They are these breaded balls with cabbage and other tasty things inside and they are covered in a thick sauce with a little mayo and some seaweed bits sprinkled on top. Sounds strange, but it reminded me of a poutine gravy but without cheese when I tasted it. They were good but I only ate one because they were doughy.

We also ate some Shabu shabu at a restaurant in the center called Machi Shabu. I love going to Shabu places. So much good stuff to eat. Not to mention if you get green tea, there is usually constant free refills.

We ate  and checked out the band playing. I wish I could tell you their name but I have no idea. L They were really good though, especially the drummer and bassist! I could just tell these guys like to perform because they really stood out.

We also checked out what was going on about the place. There was a kiddie pool full of goldfish and kids were trying to catch them with little nets. If they caught one, they got to take it home with them. didn't think it appropriate to randomly take a photo of other people’s children so I don’t have any to share. 

We went through the booths selling stuff. It was a bit crowded to take lots of photos but I did manage to get a few.

One booth had anime/manga costumes, as well as nurse, maid and Japanese schoolgirl costumes.

Another was selling anime/manga, posters and pins.

There were lots of fashion and accessories booths too.

Okay I leave you now with this adorable doggy. Like seriously cute.

Too adorbs really!
Until next time!

( ・ω・)ノ

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